Om Nöjdhs Elektronik AB

Nöjdhs Elektronik AB belongs to the group TN Development AB. Our sister companies are Nojdhs Underwater Technology PTE LTD, Milab Microphones AB and WireFrame AB.Nojdhs Underwater Technology PTE LTD is Nöjdhs Elektronik´s agent on the Asian and Australian markets. It is responsible for maintenance and repair of equipment delivered by Nöjdhs Elektronik. It also assists with education, trouble shooting and improvements regarding electrical equipment on naval ships.


Milab Microphones AB produces and develops high quality microphones, well known worldwide. Milab is our production facility for special electronics, while we assist Milab in electronic design and software development.

WireFrame AB has an expertise in computer based modelling such as animating equipment and environments. They are an important link in our work with simulator system development.


Nöjdhs Elektronik AB was founded in 1985 by Thomas Nöjdh, who has a background in the Swedish Navy and in Kockums AB´s submarine electrical design department.

In the beginning we designed and produced special purpose circuit boards. We were one of the first companies in Sweden to use a PC-controlled milling machine for fast production of prototype PCBs.

We are still designing and producing circuit boards. However the main part of our activities is now designing and production of electronic systems.

The company has grown steadily, in 1990 the number of employees were 6 and today it has increased to about 20. Most part of the employees are electrical engineers.

In 1993 the company moved into the current premises at Norra Strandgatan 4, right in the heart of Helsingborg in the southern part of Sweden.

Nöjdhs Elektronik ABs utvalda länkar

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Nöjdhs Elektronik AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namnNöjdhs Elektronik Aktiebolag
Datum för upprättande10.02.1994
Omsättn.intervall20000 - 49999
F-skattJa, registrerad för F-skatt
Registrerad för momsJa
SNI-bransch26110 Tillverkning av elektroniska komponenter

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Thomas Elon NöjdhOrdförande
Patrik NöjdhLedamot
Thomas Elon NöjdhLedamot
Anders Fredrik Arne SjöbergSuppleant
Per Richard KjellanderRevisor