Om SF Marina Wallhamn AB

SF Marina have been in the forefront in the field of concrete pontoons and breakwaters for a century now. We are internationally recognized for providing our customers tailor-made premium marinas and advanced floating solutions all over the world. Our knowledge and experience has withstood the test of time and the force of nature since 1918.


SF Marina is an internationally recognized for providing its customers a century of experience producing tailor-made premium marinas and advanced floating solutions all over the world.

SF Marina System AB offers a full range of marine related services throughout the whole world. The company has the in-house knowledge and experience to design, permit, manufacture, install, and operate marinas. SF Marina System AB is a fully integrated corporation that understands the needs of the marina industry and can deliver the best marine products in the world to satisfy those needs. The products are the Swedish floating concrete pontoon marina system, designed by SF Marina System AB, which originated back in the 1920’s.

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  • SF Marina Wallhamn AB Bryggor, bryggtillbehör, Tjörn - 1
  • SF Marina Wallhamn AB Bryggor, bryggtillbehör, Tjörn - 2
  • SF Marina Wallhamn AB Bryggor, bryggtillbehör, Tjörn - 3

SF Marina Wallhamn AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namnSF Marina Wallhamn AB
Datum för upprättande25.11.2002
Omsättn.intervall50000 - 99999
F-skattJa, registrerad för F-skatt
Registrerad för momsJa
SNI-bransch30110 Byggande av fartyg och flytande materiel

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Lars Gunnar OdheOrdförande
Anders Mikael LindbergVerkställande direktör
Lars Fredrik OdheLedamot
Anders Mikael LindbergLedamot
Lars Gunnar OdheLedamot
Margreth OdheSuppleant
Carl Lennart Mathias LjungRevisor
Ewelynne Helen ElonssonRevisorssuppleant