Om Lund & Lund AB

Lund & Lund store in Stockholm represents an eclectic mix of Made-to-Measure, heritage and contemporary menswear, since 1963.

About Us


The history of Lund & Lund begins in the late 1930s when the two brothers Hans and Jesper Lund were sent abroad to learn the highest level of pattern cutting. Hans took off to America whilst Jesper underwent his education at the renowned tailors Anderson & Sheppard at Savile Row in London.

The brothers returned to their native Stockholm in 1949 and opened their atelier Lund & Lund at Sturegatan 10, where they offered bespoke tailoring of the highest quality.

Current Location

The 1950s saw the birth of industrially produced clothing and the brothers saw opportunities to play a leading role. They found perfect premises right next door at Sturegatan 12 which they refurbished to a classic British gentlemen store and opened for business in 1963.

The shop still looks almost the same as it did more than fifty years ago. The company is now managed by Gunnar Lund, Marcus Klaar and Måns Nelson. In store, you will also meet our colleagues Samuel Matti, Minea Osmancevic and our E-commerce manager, Armin Osmancevic.

Our offering

Our customers range from young professionals looking to find casual yet sophisticated garments to older gentlemen who already have a well-established sense of style. They all share a desire to be well-dressed or find something with a highly personal touch. Different occasions make different demands on how we are dressed and it is not always easy to find clothes that matches both the individual and the occasion.This is why we are at your service irrespective of your age or preferences.

Welcome to Lund & Lund!

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  • Lund & Lund AB Kläder, Stockholm - 1

Lund & Lund AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namnLund & Lund Aktiebolag
Datum för upprättande18.10.1989
Omsättn.intervall10000 - 19999
F-skattJa, registrerad för F-skatt
Registrerad för momsJa
SNI-bransch47711 Specialiserad butikshandel med herr-, dam- och barnkläder, blandat

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Peter Gunnar LundOrdförande
Bengt Marcus Felipe KlaarVerkställande direktör
Peter Gunnar LundLedamot
Måns Gunnar Arne NelsonLedamot
Bengt Marcus Felipe KlaarLedamot
Peter Andreas RybergHuvudansvarig revisor

Omdömen om Lund & Lund AB

Möjliga telefonnummerformat

08661073508-661 07 35086-61 07 350866-107 35